What we consider when sourcing the timber…
Will we find it in the first place!?
Dad keeps his ear to the ground. He grew up in the area and so knows a lot of the farmers and landowners. Often after a storm he may hear about a fallen tree and he will try and contact the owner, or they may call him. That is as long as they haven’t been cleared for logs before he gets the chance!
Can we get the tree out!?
Trees aren’t very considerate, they are often on a bank, or an area which isn’t so good for crops or livestock. Often lying across barbed wire or in a bog! We have a Landrover and tractor for this with various bits of kit to cut and pull the tree out. Failing that, we know various people with even larger heavy lifting equipment.
What will we find in the tree!?
The reason a tree has come down naturally is often rot, or another weakness. We never know until we have bought and transported the tree whether this will render the timber worthless. For beech and ash, they often have spalting (fungal growth within the grain). This can give beautiful colours and textures, but only if it is dried out before it has gone too far.
We also find nails within the trees as they are often from old hedgerows with fencing. This iron can be tougher than the teeth of the cutting equipment, specifically when they are older. It’s amazing what a tree can swallow up over the years. I have heard of lawnmowers, bullets, not to mention stones!
Will the slices of tree dry out well!?
We use a kiln to dry the very sensitive end grain slices. This requires a lot of control and is extremely tricky. The wood inevitably splits during the drying process but if it is done too quickly then the splitting can be worse and accompanied by cupping.
Will anybody buy the table!?
The sanding process if one of the most amazing. The grain and features of the tree slowly become clear as you move through the sandpaper grits – as if the mist is clearing. The whole life of the tree laid before you is something else. Photos can only do so much, and so it is then another process to get the tables in front of the people who will love and cherish the story and beauty of timber.
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Alternatively you can arrange a private viewing at the Alex Brooks Furniture workshop:
Ours is a working workshop, rather than a showroom, but we always welcome visitors. We generally have a number of projects on the go at any time, so you’ll be able to see multiple pieces at various stages of the make, and we can make sure there are finished pieces for you to view and run your hands across too.
Phone ahead and we’ll get this set up for you – 07949 026303
There is no substitute for seeing the intrinsic natural beauty of the wood up close and in person, and experiencing the tactility of the pieces with your own hands.